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German MP: People in Srpska Need to Think Well About What Concessions They Will Make


German Bundestag MP Alexander Neu says that since the Dayton Accords were signed, the West has waited for a while, and then has put a lot of pressure on the Republic of Srpska to extract its rights and competences from that agreement, to transform BiH into a  unitary state.

– People in Srpska need to think carefully about what concessions they will make, they are not reciprocated. I can only support the Republic of Srpska – Neu told Sputnik.

Neu, who is a member of the parliamentary Defense Committee and a deputy of the Left in the German Bundestag, said it was clear that Berlin and Brussels viewed Southeast Europe as a targeting colony.

He points out that borders are variable, if it is in Berlin’s interest, as in the case of the former Yugoslavia, and they must continue to exist where it suits them, as in Ukraine or Georgia.

The Bundestag MP points out that it is a selective choice of international law, to multiply the influence and power of the West, but, as he notes, they encounter resistance from China and Russia.

– In the great relations between your authorities and the President with the / German Chancellor, you just have to look at the benefits Serbia has received in the last few years and how much humiliation it has suffered. If you look at those facts, then the answer is clear. Mrs / Angela / Merkel cannot be changed, even without it, Germany’s policy is clear and constant – says Neu.

According to Neu, the 1999 NATO bombing is not over yet, because Serbia does not recognize so-called Kosovo, does not want to impose sanctions on Russia and does not want to become a NATO member.

– The West does not want to accept this resistance, which is why Serbia is in this position – says Neu.

He believes that recognizing so-called Kosovo from Serbia would be just another step towards NATO’s official victory over Serbia, and Serbia would receive “only a couple of ducats.”

Noting that the reality is that there are almost two million Albanians living in self-proclaimed Kosovo, the Bundestag MP says the idea of ​​demarcation may have a future – to annex Kosovo’s north, with Serbian monasteries in Kosovo protected.

– I lived there, worked for the OSCE in Kosovo, the situation in the north is bad and much worse in the enclaves in the south. There is no good solution, there is only a solution that is less evil. I may be wrong, but I think that the Serb enclaves will lose their population in the future and thus be extinguished – said Neu.




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