A Declaration on the status of Republika Srpska in BiH – present and future, the basic aims of which are unity, harmony and reconciliation within the Serb nation, was adopted yesterday in Pale at a session of the Assembly of the Creators of Republika Srpska Association.
According to the Declaration, the Creators of Republika Srpska Association is committed to an agreement of the three constituent peoples who live in BiH.
“The Serbian unity lasted as long as the war lasted. We were true winners at the end of the war. Our dream and the dream of a great number of generations before us to create our state in the territory of BiH came through. No matter how some of our adversaries and enemies call it, for the Serbian people, Republika Srpska is a state. We understood that we were condemned to fight alone for our state and this is why we succeeded and got that which we are entitled to,” says the Declaration.
The document says that Republika Srpska was created by the will of the Serb people and that it is natural that all of its creators are entitled to it. It was verified by an international agreement, the sustainability of which is guaranteed by the largest countries of Europe and the USA.
The Association says in the Declaration that as long as there is a silent protectorate in BiH, there is a danger for Republika Srpska to cease to exist one day.
“The fact is that the Bosniak side is persistent in its intention to create a unitary state of BiH. They enjoy strong support from their mentors, most of whom are guarantors of the implementation of the agreement struck in Dayton,” says the Declaration.
The Creators of Republika Srpska Association rejects the SDA program Declaration.
The session of the Association’s Assembly that was held on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the first session of the Assembly of the Serb People in BiH ended with the adoption of a report on the Association’s work between two annual sessions.
President of Republika Srpska Željka Cvijanović stated yesterday the National Assembly of Republika Srpska is a pillar of Srpska’s statehood and an indicator of the society’s democratic capacity.
“The National Assembly of Republika Srpska shows our ability to last all these years, to implement democratic procedures and work in the interest of the people,” Cvijanović told Srna on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the National Assembly.
She pointed out it was significant that the National Assembly was one of Republika Srpska’s institutions that continuously achieved success in strengthening Srpska’s stability.
“The highest legislative institution contributes to the policies of the Government of Republika Srpska for the purpose of ensuring economic, social and every other kind of security. We must be proud of our National Assembly which is the backbone of the functioning of the system. I congratulate everyone who were elected by the people in whose interest they are supposed to work, in accordance with the trust they received. Our objective is a strong and stable Republika Srpska,” stated Cvijanović.
Yesterday was marked the 28th anniversary of the proclamation of the Assembly of Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina, after Serb members of the parliament were outvoted in the Assembly of the then Socialist Republic of BiH on October 14.
Source: srna