Home Entertainment A house is being built inside a cliff, thanks to the internet

A house is being built inside a cliff, thanks to the internet


A madcap proposal for a concrete house inside a cliff went viral last year — and now it’s set to be built, thanks to the internet.

Dutch practice OPA designed a home wedged in a mountaintop, topped by an infinity pool that doubles as a skylight for the underground lair.
In the wake of the media interest, a client who wanted to make the concept a reality came forward and the project will now be realized 1,600 meters (5249 feet) above sea level on a cliff in Lebanon.
Unlike OPA's house in a cliff, many of the most interesting designs in architecture have never been realized. Here's a look at the greatest buildings that never <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/12/architecture/incredible-architecture-that-was-never-built/index.html" target="_blank">were</a>. <br /><br />How different Chicago's skyline would have looked if Calatrava's 2005 design had been built. One thousand four hundred and fifty eight feet (444 meters) of slender twisted steel and glass, the Chicago Spire would have knocked the Willis Tower (formely the Sears Tower) down a peg, trumping it by a whole two meters and a whole lot of style. The 920,000 square foot structure would have featured residential apartments, retail space and a five-star hotel, with each floor rotating 2 degrees around a central core, turning 270 degrees through the height of the building. <br /><br />But then the global financial crisis hit. Construction halted in 2008 with claims that heavy debts had been racked up. In this instance Donald Trump was right: the Chicago Spire had been "<a href="http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-chicago-spire-biz-20150313-story.html" target="_blank">financial suicide</a>."
Channeling his inner Kim Kardashian, OPA co-founder Laertis-Antonios Ando Vassilou told ArchDaily the plan was to “break the internet.”
“We wanted to create a sensation in every possible way and through this project to actually showcase our platform this project describes fully our aesthetics and design philosophy,” he added.
Ando Vassilou also recommended other emerging architects do the same by promoting their projects online.
“By chasing the viral idea at least you sharpen your skills and strengthen your portfolio with interesting projects,” he said.
Check out The Spaces for more innovative architecture projects from around the world.

Source: CNN


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