Home News Additional Equipment for Schools in the Republic of Srpska

Additional Equipment for Schools in the Republic of Srpska


Already this year, the project of equipping all classrooms and cabinets in Srpska schools with state-of-the-art classrooms and communication tools begins, based on the principle of one student – one iPad or laptop.

This is stated in the RS Economic Reform Program 2020-2022. year, in the part related to improving the link between education and the labor market and strengthening access and quality of education.

The project on furnishing the school premises, as highlighted in this document, begins these, and will be completed in 2022, and will include smart boards, video beams, sound systems and the like.

The RS Ministry of Education and Culture said that during the three phases of the Dositej project, which was implemented from 2012 to 2018, they had already equipped primary schools with about 850 e-classrooms, or 21,000 students and 1,700 teacher laptops.

“Over the next three years, the Ministry of Education and Culture will continue to digitize, equip IT equipment and bring internet to all schools,” the ministry said.

As a reminder, thanks to the Serbian government, Srpska will receive as a gift 500 digital classrooms, which include certain technologies and equipment.

“We have provided a list of schools, we are in the process of harmonization and we are finalizing an agreement regarding the procurement, delivery and other issues that Serbia needs to do,” Independents of the RS Ministry of Education and Culture told.

Dragan Gnjatić, president of the Union of Education, Science and Culture of the RS, welcomes the equipping of schools with laptops, but also adds that more attention should be paid to teacher training.

“I think more can be done. After that, we will use information and communication technologies very easily, once the teachers are trained. We absolutely need to keep up with the modern world,” Gnjatić told the Independents.

According to the line ministry, e-classrooms have also improved the teaching process. In this form of teaching, students are active in the class, not passive observers, which makes the class more interesting, more effective and lead to better learning outcomes.

Otherwise, judging by the Economic Reform Program 2020-2022, a number of other measures are planned for schools this year. For example, learning outcomes of existing curricula will be analyzed, but minimum standards of knowledge that each student must achieve will be defined.




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