Home Industries “Alumina” dispatches the first tank of its new product to Switzerland

“Alumina” dispatches the first tank of its new product to Switzerland


Zvornik’s company “Alumina” dispatched the first tank to a customer in Switzerland, containing 25 tons of the new product “zeolite 3A”.

The new product is intended for the international market, while the current production capacity is 5,000 tons per year, reads a statement released by the company.

After more than two and a half decades, Zvornik’s largest company has marketed its new product that belongs to a series of aluminosilicate minerals and is sought by the Western European market.

In accordance with the business plan, the company should produce five new products by the end of this year. The first product is “zeolit 3A” for the EU market, explained the company’s Chairman, Mile Matic.

The products are highly profitable even though they are smaller in scale compared to the existing products, and will provide stability and a better market position for the company, reads the statement.


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