Academician Matija Beckovic has said that the entire world somehow found itself in a dead end because the culture today is put aside not to incommode.
“The entire culture is put aside in order not to incommode, and not only in our country, so at one moment, the politics imagined it does not need the culture and that it would be more efficient without it,” told Beckovic.
Beckovic points out that today there is no a single name in a culture that means anything without throwing stones at allowed direction.
He emphasizes that monetary investments in culture before and now are incomparable, since today everything is reflected in the percentage of state budgets earmarked for this purpose.
Beckovic, born on November 29, 1939, says that he had predicted that date and its significance because he was born three years before the republic day on the day of the Holy Apostle Matthew, and states that the first thing he remembers from the period of Yugoslavia is censorship.
“As Solzhenitsyn said that exile and imprisonment did not harm any Russian writer, so all those censorship did not harm either, but they may have promoted artistic expression in us. We can say that this was also the golden age of art,” concludes Beckovic.
Beckovic adds that the one who fails to outsmart the censorship is not a true artist, so it turns out he/she is guilty for his/her own suffering.
Source: srna