As of today, all BiH nationals coming from abroad are going into isolation.
The decision, passed Friday in Doboj by Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija, and Republic of Srpska Prime Ministers Radovan Višković and the Federation of BiH, Fadil Novalić, came into force this morning at six.
Yesterday, at the proposal of the Ministry of Security, the Council of Ministers also decided to prescribe additional conditions for the entry of foreigners into BiH.
The Decision prescribes additional conditions for the entry of foreigners into BiH, related to the ban on the entry of foreigners coming from certain areas with the intensive transmission of coronavirus, in order to prevent the spread and control of infectious diseases, ie viruses (COVID-19), as well as possession of certain types of the travel document.
Foreign nationals entering BiH from areas with intensive coronavirus transmission, especially from the provinces of China (Wuhan), South Korea, Japan, Italy, Iran, France, Romania, Germany, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, and Belgium are prohibited.