Catholics throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world today in their homes and communities celebrate the most joyous holiday Christmas, the day that marks the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
The message of Cardinal Puljić
Celebrating Christmas means recognising God’s presence and finding a source of strength and hope in it, and that all the imposed and aggressive relativism will pass and God’s work will stay@, Cardinal Vinko Puljic, Archbishop of Vrhbosna stated in his Christmas message.
He noted that one should find a stronghold in Jesus in maintaining the family nest, birth and raising of children, marital fidelity, unity, the power to forgive and reconcile, and live in God’s love.
“If we are aware we are loved God’s children, we will have the power of faith and hope despite all the challenges we encounter every day,” said Cardinal Puljic.
If the house of faith is built on a rock, it becomes steady regardless of how much the outside circumstances are unfavourable, he said.
“Even if many wanted to wash away our memory by distorting the history, forbid us to use our head because it is not in the interest of their party, and if they wanted to rule us as if we were their own property – we must not give up, because the Lord from the heavens has called or will call on all the earthly ‘gods’ produced by society to render their accounts to Him,” said Puljic.
Cardinal Puljic wished a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone, saying that there could be no Christmas peace without forgiveness and reconciliation.
Source: srna