Home Bosnia and Herzegovina Coordination Mechanism for the Continuation of BiH’s Path to the EU

Coordination Mechanism for the Continuation of BiH’s Path to the EU


Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija emphasized in Sarajevo today the commitment of this institution to make maximum efforts to continue BiH’s EU accession process, which he stressed requires joint action by all levels of government in BiH with full respect for the powers and coordination mechanism.

During his talks with Croatian Ambassador to BiH Ivan Sabolić, Tegeltija emphasized that consistent adherence to the Dayton Agreement and respect for the constitutional structure of BiH, which implies full equality of the three constituent peoples, are crucial for the smooth functioning of institutions at the BiH level and the strengthening of political dialogue. from the Council of Ministers.

It was stated that the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the Croatian Ambassador discussed the current political and economic situation in BiH and the region, as well as the possibilities of enhancing cooperation between the two countries in areas of mutual interest.

The interlocutors assessed that the bilateral relations between the two countries were good and expressed their commitment to resolving all outstanding issues, with mutual respect and for the benefit of the citizens of both countries.

The meeting also discussed current health and safety challenges related to the migrant crisis and the emergence of the virus corona.




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