Home News Cvijanović: Acquired conditions for lifting the state of emergency

Cvijanović: Acquired conditions for lifting the state of emergency


The President of the Republic of Srpska, Željka Cvijanović, pointed out that the conditions for lifting the state of emergency have been met and that this implies the termination and the need for a curfew.

– The curfew was in the function of reducing contacts and mass gatherings because it carried an additional risk for the spread of the coronavirus. Given that most of the facilities are open and that there are prescribed measures, there is no need for a curfew. He is closely connected to the state of emergency and I expect that we will cancel the curfew – Cvijanović emphasized.

She added that after the lifting of the state of emergency, Srpska will function for some time in the conditions of the state of emergency, which was in force before the decision to declare a state of emergency was made.

– This means that there will be a different regime of functioning in relation to the completely normal state, but there will be a change in relation to today’s situation. It will continue to be a great challenge to organize a session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska and they will have to be held with protection measures – said Cvijanović.

Speaking about the special session of the National Assembly, at which the proposal for the abolition of the state of emergency will be discussed, Cvijanović expressed the expectation that the debate will be constructive.

– I expect that we will reach the decision on lifting the state of emergency and confirming the decrees with legal force that I passed as the President of the Republic without any problems and that after that we will deal with life issues arising from the budget revision. We have very important things ahead of us in order to complete the previous ones for more than two months and see new steps in accordance with the financial possibilities and the epidemiological situation – said Cvijanović for ATV.

Recalling that she passed 19 decrees with legal force, Cvijanović emphasized that they were necessary for the adequate functioning of the system during the state of emergency.

– No regulation has gone beyond the needs of what the state of emergency requires. There was no abuse or change of legal solutions just because someone thinks it is necessary, and it has nothing to do with the state of emergency. We did everything very meticulously, achieved the maximum in the given circumstances and did a good job – said Cvijanović.

She added that each time before the adoption of the decree, she obtained the opinion of the President of the National Assembly, and expanded the procedures provided by the Constitution with the aim of greater transparency and responsibility of the proponents of the solution.

The President of Srpska pointed out that she practiced hearing the explanations of the Prime Minister and line ministers regarding the needs for passing and the effects of decrees, and that the President of the National Assembly, who is also the President of the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Affairs, and the President of the Legislative parliamentary committee.

– As the President of the Republic, I could pass decrees by obtaining only the opinion of the President of the National Assembly, but I wanted there to be discussion and dialogue, and especially inter-institutional action so that no one would eventually appropriate certain things and usurp authority. We all acted extremely responsibly and cautiously. We used to have consultations for several days and assess the situation – Cvijanović explained.

Speaking about the criticism of the moves of the authorities in Srpska that come from the opposition, she pointed out that in the past two months they were quite bored because there were no manifestations that they often turned into circus situations.

– That is the reason for their criticism. There is no room for thinking that someone has usurped anything or appropriated some rights. Our Constitution is very clear and prescribes what and when the President of the Republic can do. There are no hidden intentions and plans here, everything is open and accessible to the public and there were no abuses – Cvijanović emphasized.

She stated that the public is constantly in a position to watch those who are less employed criticize those who are overworked.

– But I don’t pay too much attention to it. When a situation like this happens, then you have to show that you can act and do it in the best possible way, and not sit in a corner and criticize everyone dissatisfied that cafes do not work and that you cannot go to the National Assembly to make scenes or gather people and you make performances – said Cvijanović for ATV.

The President of the Republic assessed that those who say that the situation regarding the virus is “inflated” and state as an argument that it was possible to move freely in Sweden and that cafes were operating are fleeing from the fact how many people died in that country every day. percentage in relation to the number of inhabitants and those older people were left to die and did not receive therapy because they were old.

– It is easy to make a plan for something you know, but this is something new and we behaved similarly to 98 or 99 percent of countries. We had to stop contacts, and in order to do that, we, unfortunately, had to stop certain businesses, and then think about how to help the economy. I believe that we have good epidemiological results, but experts should talk about that – Cvijanović emphasized.

It is important, she added, that the citizens understand that Srpska went through this difficult period in a way that its institutions worked and that they managed to keep things under control even during the state of emergency.

– When we look at the situation on the global market and how difficult it was to get equipment for the health sector, then we can be satisfied that we managed to provide it. We received something as a donation, but we procured most of it and did not end up in a situation where we did not know what to do if we had a larger number of patients and did not have a sufficient number of respirators, protective suits, masks, gloves and other equipment. We overcame that and that did not happen – Cvijanović pointed out.

According to her, there is still a danger and no one in the world is talking about the complete normalization of the situation.

– Everyone warns and we have to do it towards our population in order to adhere to certain things because the biggest problem is if we happen to have too many seriously ill people who cannot be taken care of or a large number of infected health workers who cannot take care of them. We did everything so that we should not be very worried, but we cannot be relaxed – Cvijanović pointed out.

Assessing that wider testing of the population is necessary, Cvijanović said that the Faculty of Medicine in Foča was given the task of drafting a protocol on how the testing will be realized, which will probably begin in July.

– The focus is on taking care that things do not get out of control. Serbia was in a difficult period, it successfully passed it and I appeal to everyone to adhere to the measures that will remain in force. Life is gradually normalizing. Abolishing curfew will make it look even better. Institutions work to improve the economic picture, meet the needs of workers and employers, and we also take care of the health sector. But we can endanger that if our behavior is not adequate – said Cvijanović.

Speaking about the migrant crisis and the fact that about 3,000 Pakistanis entered BiH with forged visas, Cvijanovic asked – what kind of state is BiH if people who are placed in its diplomatic network help some to get forged documents.

– It is a criminal offense because they allow security dangerous people to come to the country without checking and control. Then you ask for the support of the country they came from and they answer that you cannot get it, even though you have sent your fingerprints and information about who they belong to. Then what is it about? Is it about someone deliberately introducing security-problematic people, and then some don’t want to resist it because it takes a chain of responsibility? The question must then be asked – who distributed passports to various people from the war, not to those who entered during the war? – stated Cvijanović, stating that among them are those who took part in terrorist attacks in the world.

She emphasized that the citizens of BiH have the right to be concerned about the policies of some from the Federation of BiH who endangered the security of all citizens because they enabled BiH to be not only in close contact but also a base and a place to come. a representative of the institutions will help you get forged visas and documents.

She stated that migrants will not be received by the EU, which has developed systems, a good economy and social programs, and can support them.

Speaking about the local elections, Cvijanović pointed out that she believes that they will be held in October when they are announced, or that there will be a small shift, stating that money has also been provided.

According to her, the problem is the way in which the composition of the Central Election Commission of BiH was obtained, given that the procedures were started earlier, and there are no apolitical persons in its composition, ie that these are persons who were by their work and previous engagement. tied to politicians.

Cvijanović pointed out that we should wait for the competent authorities to say whether it was carried out in the right way, stating that she believes that it is not due to the fact that the procedures were violated and that the political suitability of certain members was looked at.

– Confidence in the election process collapses if it is led by people who have a strong political background, had political positions or were tied to political figures and parties. But as for the organization and the need – of course, local elections should be organized. Our people are ready for that and now everything depends only on the epidemiological situation – Cvijanović emphasized.




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