Home Business Dairy farmers turn to CEFTA market after EU dreams are slashed

Dairy farmers turn to CEFTA market after EU dreams are slashed


It seems that dairy farmers no longer have cause for optimism since the Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission released a negative report on B&H’s progress towards the EU market. Exportation of B&H dairy products will be suspended until all deficiencies in this area are eliminated.

Namely, the export of milk and dairy products to the Croatian marked was blocked after Croatia’s entry into the EU mid last year. B&H didn’t pass the required regulations in time for export which has cost farmers millions in damages.

Since local dairy farmers don’t have time to wait for competent organs to solve this issue, they are working intensively to shift the market to CEFTA countries in order to compensate for the losses.

However, farmers are hoping that the shortcoming observed by FVO inspectors will be resolved by the end of the year and that they will once again regain the ability to export to the EU.


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