Home Bosnia and Herzegovina Desecration of Orthodox Cemetery – Message That Serbs Are Not Welcome in...

Desecration of Orthodox Cemetery – Message That Serbs Are Not Welcome in FBiH


Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Staša Košarac strongly condemned the desecration of the Orthodox cemetery in the village of Tupkovići near Živinice, stressing that the destruction of tombstones is not only a heinous act of vandalism, but also an extremely bad message to the Serb people that they are not welcome to the Federation of BiH /FBiH/.

Košarac emphasized that he expects a quick and efficient investigation from the competent cantonal and federal authorities so that the perpetrators are brought to justice and adequately punished.

He pointed out that frequent attacks on Serb returnees, their property, places of worship and cemeteries represent an attack on the life, security, spiritual and cultural identity of the already small number of Serbs in FBiH.

“It is particularly worrying that in most cases the perpetrators remain unpunished, which sends a very dangerous message that violent behavior and vandalism are acceptable. Such attacks undermine the already fragile trust and bring additional fear, bitterness and anxiety among the remaining Serbs in the FBiH,” Košarac posted on Instagram.

Košarac appealed to the competent cantonal and federal institutions to react promptly and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Several Orthodox gravestones were completely destroyed at the cemetery in the village of Tupkovići in the federal municipality of Živinice.

The President of the Committee for the Protection of Rights of Serbs in FBiH Đorđe Radanović told SRNA earlier that 383 Serbs lived in the village of Tupkovići before the war.

Related News: Orthodox Gravestones Completely Destroyed (PHOTO)

Source: srna.rs


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