Home Bosnia and Herzegovina Dodik: BiH has come to its end – we gave a timely...

Dodik: BiH has come to its end – we gave a timely warning


The President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik has stated today that Bosnia and Herzegovina has reached its end, or more precisely, it was brought to an end by those who swore by it.

“All that remains is for us all to make an effort to be good neighbors and to part in peace,” Dodik posted on X.

Босна и Херцеговина је дошла до свог краја, или је прецизније рећи довели су је до краја они који су се у њу клели.
Остало је само да сви учинимо напор да будемо добре комшије и да се разиђемо у миру.

Резолуција коју су на силу и силом, кршећи Устав, изгурали Бошњаци преко…

He pointed out that the resolution pushed by the Bosniaks through their mentors by force and power, in violation of the Constitution, will permanently demarcate Republika Srpska and the FBiH.

“We can neither forget nor forgive the lie that Bosniaks are telling us. There is no way to repair the damage caused by pushing this resolution. So that it won’t be as though we did not warn them in time,” said Dodik.

The session of the UN General Assembly at which the proposed resolution on Srebrenica should be considered will be held tomorrow, it was announced on the UN General Assembly website.

The vote on the resolution was postponed several times.


Source: srna.rs


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