After the meeting with the officials of Serbia, the Serb member of the BiH Presidency, Milorad Dodik, expressed his gratitude for Serbia’s help to the Republic of Srpska, pointing out that the help was a message to our people that Serbia thinks about Srpska and wants to support its people.
”We are very pleased with the talks. They were very successful. We are grateful for the support that comes from Vučić and his team”, said Dodik.
He stated that a document was submitted to the President of Serbia earlier, which points out the difficult position of the Republic of Srpska within BiH due to the interventionism of the High Representatives, the international community and the BiH Constitutional Court.
”I initiated those topics. I wanted to inform the President of Serbia about that. Our policy is a policy of peace and we demand that peace be lasting and stable. War is not our policy”, said Dodik.
He emphasized that Serbia, as a signatory of the Dayton Peace Agreement, should be informed about the situation in BiH.
”I am always surprised by the words comming from Sarajevo, especially the threats of war”, Dodik added, saying that his obligation is to protect the status of Srpska.
”I am asking Vučić to guarantee us that our status will not be endangered by force, I am grateful to him because he said that there will be no more pogroms of Serbs and that Serbs must engage in that issue”, Dodik pointed out.
”The people in BiH should not be afraid of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, but they should be afraid of their politicians and their decisions. We are thinking of a different status, but that is normal. And we will always talk about it. Bosniaks have devastated Croats in the Federation, they want to do the same with Serbs”, said Dodik.