Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik points out that this region is not a powder keg, but is being abused by external factors.
“Apparently, they will keep trying to do the same in 2023, but we will not allow them to set fire to it, and thus lead it to an explosion. Banjaluka and Belgrade have so far consistently practiced responsible policy, and will continue to do so this year, having in mind the preservation of our people’s interests and the provision of peace and stability in the region,” emphasized Dodik.
In his statement to Tanjug, he reminded that everything that happened in previous decades speaks volumes about the development of events this year in our region and added that it is unrealistic to believe that the Euro-Atlantic centers will be able to change their approach to the region.
The president of Srpska assessed that the leading Western powers are continuously trying to impose an order that they wrongly defined at the end of the last century as desirable, which includes the centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the separation of Kosovo from Serbia, the weakening of the Serb factor in Montenegro, and the expansion of NATO.
He added that the fact that Washington, Brussels, and Berlin are acting unilaterally, supporting the claims of Serb regional opponents, while ignoring international law, is the generator of the crisis that “seems to have a permanent character in our country and in the surrounding area.”
According to him, it is unrealistic to believe that such approach by the Euro-Atlantic power centres will change this year.
“Furthermore, the current conflict in the east of Europe and Western factors’ desire to consolidate what they consider their zone of dominance, I believe, will encourage them to act even more aggressively,” said Dodik.
On the other hand, he emphasized, neither Serbia nor Srpska would agree to have their interests and rights violated and their sovereignty destroyed.
“We will unwaveringly insist on the letter of the original Dayton, which includes Bosnia and Herzegovina as a democratic community of three equal peoples and two entities, i.e. on Resolution 1244 and other agreements that confirm the sovereignty of Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija,” emphasized Dodik.
He adds it is difficult to be optimistic in such circumstances and forecast harmonious relations in the region in the coming period, but there is no basis for pessimism either.
The president of Srpska stressed that the Serb people, as they succeeded in previous years, will persist in defending their vital interests, but will also be open to a real, authentic dialogue with all other peoples of the region, which should lead to sustainable compromises on all disputed issues.
“And we will reach them when the big players leave us to make our own arrangements, which will happen sooner or later, but it is unlikely that it will happen this year. But we should not lose hope,” he said.