A meeting of representatives of the International Finance Corporation and Banja Luka and Gradiška should be held at the premises of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology of the Republic of Srpska at the end of January, when the software for e-building permits is expected to be officially submitted for use to the Government of Srpska, said Minister, Srebrenka Golić.
Golić explained that this would be followed by a test phase, in order to eliminate all possible problems by April, when it is planned to complete all activities and put the software into full use.
“The integrated system of e-building permits in the Republic of Srpska, which is being established by the LIFE Project, will enable the online issuance of all types of permits in the field of construction, ranging from location conditions, building permit, up to the use permit”, said Golić.
Banja Luka and Gradiška have been selected as local communities that will be the first to join the integrated system, having previously implemented regulatory reforms and established ‘’all at one counter’’ way of doing business, and are fully prepared to support the implementation of project tasks.
The Minister said that this would significantly simplify and speed up the licensing process and reduce costs on all grounds for investors and citizens.
“It is important to note that the Government of the Republic of Srpska did not have to any of the budget resources for the procurement of the software. The project was funded by the Government of the United Kingdom through UK Aid”, said Golić.
According to her, as part of the activities on the establishment of the electronic licensing system in construction, a meeting was held in Banja Luka, which presented the way the software for issuing e-building permits and defined the principles when it comes to adapting the software to domestic conditions.
“The presentation was delivered by the consulting company Finite, and in addition to the representatives of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction and Ecology, representatives of the Inspectorate of the Republic of Srpska and the International Finance Corporation, members of the World Bank Group, were present at the meeting as well”, Golić pointed out.