Home Business Eight Austrian companies are looking for partners in B&H

Eight Austrian companies are looking for partners in B&H


The Office of the Commercial Advisor in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Organization of the Chamber of Commerce of Austria is organizing a visit of the business delegation from Austria to the region of northwestern Bosnia from the 8th till the 10th of April 2014.

“After very successful visits of the delegation consisting of Austrian companies to the northeast region of Bosnia and the region of Herzegovina, this time we wish to bring closer to Austrian companies the geographically closest part of BiH to Austria – the Bosnian Krajina. On this occasion, the delegation will visit the following cities: Kozarska Dubica, Gradiška, Laktaši, Banja Luka, Bihać and Prijedor, where they will lead informative discussions with BiH companies and institutions”, the organizers explained to ekapija.ba.

• Gradiška, 8 April 2014

• Banja Luka, 9 April 2014

• Bihać, 10 April 2014.

“Of the eight Austrian companies, which will participate in this visit, more than half of them either want to start their own production in BiH, or are looking for suppliers of goods and services from Bosnia and Herzegovina”, says the Office of the Commercial Advisor.


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