Home Business Electric cars soon on the roads of B&H

Electric cars soon on the roads of B&H


Electric cars will soon be available on the roads of B&H and the region, announced Banjaluka’s company Nikola Tesla.

All tests have been completed and serial production has begun. Parts are produced by five factories in Republika Srpska which have been gathered under one roof by company Nikola Tesla. The planned production is 14,000 cars.

Namely, companies in Srpska are manufacturing the complete exterior and interior of the car. The founder and owner of the company is the government of Srpska. They signed a contract with German firm Streetscooter so that everything that is produced is immediately exported. The cars are then assembled in Germany.

The cars that are currently being manufactured are intended for the Post Office in Germany. Its speed is up to 100 km an hour, while it can cross between 160-200 km with a single charge of the battery, said Miroslav Stolic from company Jaksche, one of the five mentioned firms.

He added that apart from these cars three more models are in preparation, one will be a taxi car with a slightly larger range, another a passenger car and a truck with an open body.


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