During the period from 20 to 24 May 2019, the European Commission in BiH is conducting a mission of expert evaluation in the field of cooperation between law enforcement bodies in BiH.
The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation, as the republic coordinator of the European integration process, has coordinated and organised participation of representatives of competent institutions of the Republic of Srpska in meetings with the mission and submitting of all necessary documents and information to the European Commission.
Discussions between the experts of the European Commission and representatives of the institutions of the Republic of Srpska are focused on the role and functioning of the Ministry of the Interior, the role and functioning of the Republic of Srpska Prosecutor’s Office, cooperation between law enforcement bodies and investigations in cases of organized crime and corruption.
The meetings of the expert evaluation mission include representatives of the following: Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation and representatives of the Republic of Srpska Public Prosecutor’s Office.
An expert evaluation mission is one of the mechanisms used by the European Commission, after BiH’s submitting of application for EU membership, to collect additional information about the current state in BiH in selected fields and to evaluate alignment with the requirements and practices of the European Union. The information and documents collected through expert missions and discussions with competent institutions, public institutions and enterprises, trade unions, associations and other stakeholders in BiH will serve to the European Commission to prepare the opinion on BiH application for EU membership (Avis). For best possible evaluation of the overall situation in BiH in the specific field, European Union experts analyse in detail the institutional, legal, strategic and other capacities of the competent institutions and bodies for legal framework implementation in the thematic fields and their results achieved in practice. The missions are followed by preparation of an evaluation report, including a detailed analysis and specific conclusions and recommendations for all institutions in BiH.
Source: vladars