Home Social Exhibition: Monetary history of Banjaluka

Exhibition: Monetary history of Banjaluka


Exhibition “The Trail of Civilization, the money used in Banja Luka from antiquity to today” was opened today in the atrium of the city administration in the town of Vrbas.

Janko Vračar, a museum advisor at the RS Museum, said that the exhibition follows the development of the city’s monetary history, ie the development of currency and currencies that have been used in our area to date.

“This exhibition is a convenient introduction to what will soon be promoted, which is a souvenir of the city of Banja Luka, which will also show a gold coin regarding the premise of the eastern Emperor Justinian I, found near the Vrbas River and fortress Kastel in 1992 and to be the official souvenir of the city, “Vračar said.

The new urban souvenir is inspired by a single copy of the gold coin found in the numismatic collection of the RS Museum.

Zoran Knežević, president of the Society of Numismatics RS, who is the organizer of this setting, said that this exhibition was organized as part of the event “Spring in Banja Luka”.

“Within the exhibition, a written track or a” Trag civilization “catalog has been published, which will be complemented in later times, but will become a real catalog for the joy of all citizens of Banja Luka,” Knežević added.

He believes that the money as a remuneration will come out of use and that everything will go to electronic banking.

“The written track on the money used in this area will be good for all future generations,” says Knežević.

The exhibition will last until May 4, and all visitors will be able to see money from the Roman times until the nineties, including the only money RS had as its significant value, the Republika Srpska dinar. The entrance for all visitors is free.






Source: Nezavisne


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