Several hundred B&H citizens have found jobs in Slovenia and Germany through the Employment Agency. According to the information from the Agency, the only one authorized for employment mediation of B&H citizens abroad, contracts have been signed with 1.012 people since March 2013 and about 900 people have already received a work permit.
Through the Agency, 184 caregivers have received employment in Germany.
As the agreements entered into force only last year, it is expected, that this growing trend of employment in EU countries will continue, especially because of the deteriorating economic situation in the country.
Sinisa Veselinovic, head of the domestic labor market of the Agency for Labor and Employment, says that that foreign employers are looking for an educated workforce with experience.
However, he points out that the positive effects should not be ignored, namely he says that one should not neglect the impact of remittances to the GDP.
Furthermore, the research ”Youth Unemployment-Current Policies and Challenges”, which was conducted in 2013, shows alarming data that indicates B&H’s inability to retain human resources, especially when it comes to young and skilled personnel. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), Bosnia and Herzegovina is the fifth worst country in the world in terms of ”brain drain”, i.e. the percentage of students and highly educated people leaving for the abroad.
Negotiations on employment agreement with Russia underway
In addition to the agreements signed with Germany, Slovenia and Serbia, employment agreements with several other countries have also been proposed: Croatia, Austria, Hungary, Russia… Negotiations with Russia are underway.