Home Economy Exports from BiH increased by one billion BAM

Exports from BiH increased by one billion BAM

Batrovci, 21. septembra 2015 - Kolona kamiona na ulaz u Hrvatsku na granicnom prelazu Batrovci. Na granicnom prelazu Batrovci - Bajakovo kolona kamiona duga je oko sedam kilometara zbog potpune zabrane ulaska kamiona iz Srbije u Hrvatsku, a medju njima je veliki broj njih sa hranom i drugom kvarljivom robom. "Od ponoci je stupila zabrana, carina i policija Hrvatske ne dozvoljavaju ulaz kamiona, dok se putnicki saobracaj normalno odvija" rekao je Tanjugu sef carinske ispostave Batrovci Nenad Vukcevic. FOTO TANJUG / ZORAN ZESTIC / bb

Exports from BiH in the first eight months amounted to 7 billion and 80 million BAM, which represents an increase of more than one billion BAM when compared to the same period last year. Namely, exports amounted to 6 billion and 34 million BAM in the first eight months of last year.

When looking at months, the biggest export this year was recorded in July, when it amounted to a total of 970 million BAM. That is also a record amount of exports recorded in one month in the entire post-war period in BiH, according to the data of the Agency for Statistics of BiH.

Exports from BiH never amounted to one billion BAM in one month, but it can be expected for this goal to be reached soon as well.

At the same time, imports are increasing as well, which amounted to 11 billion and 672 million BAM in eight months, which is by 12.3 % more than in the same period last year.

Export-import coverage for eight months in 2017 amounted to 60.7 %. BiH continues to record a large foreign trade deficit in the amount of 4 billion 593 million BAM in eight months.





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