Home News Former Students Built a Sculpture of Mathematics Professor

Former Students Built a Sculpture of Mathematics Professor


Former students of the High School in Foča, the most successful mathematicians at competitions in BiH and the former Yugoslavia, the students of the late Professor Mićo Mašić, organized their own initiative and provided the production of Mašić’s sculpture, in order to pay tribute to the professor, who is responsible for their success.

The initiator of the idea was Vladimir Vladičić, winner of the bronze medal at the Mathematical Olympiad in Washington, and today is a professor at the University of East Sarajevo. Thirty mathematicians, to whom Mašić taught, supported his idea, radiofoca.com reports.

“A large number of former students of Professor Mićo Mašić are successful in their fields today, and they owe a great deal of gratitude to the professor for that. He is also most deserving of the medal I won at the Mathematical Olympiad. It was these students who organized themselves, raised funds and realized this idea. “said Vladićić.

When discovering, you would address Gavro Gojanović, a double winner of the first place in the Republican Mathematics Competition and a participant in federal competitions, today a graduate in electrical engineering, in front of Mašić’s students.

Gojanović pointed out that this was a small gesture of the students who showed their gratitude to the professor, who during the entire secondary education prepared them for enrollment in the faculties of the technical profession.

“An A+ with Professor Mićo Mašić meant that no one had any problems with us enrolling or studying at technical colleges. His teaching level was to prepare the student to take math exams without any problems at any technical college,” says Gojanović.

The most successful Foča mathematician, winner of the bronze Olympic medal for the former Yugoslavia in London, and today a full professor at the Faculty of Science in Belgrade, Danko Jocić, emphasized that his education in Foča helped him to be a student of the generation and to obtain a doctorate and the title of full professor. faculty.

“With professor Mićo, mathematics was done in a real and serious way. I believe that mathematics is not taught but mastered and Mico taught us to think like that and gradually, by working, to master mathematics. In the fourth grade, I was able to win a medal. he is the first medal to arrive in Foča. Mićo worked with us a lot, he came regularly for extra classes, he simply brought all his being into mathematics, “Jocić said.

The gesture of the late Mico Mašić’s students means a lot to the family.

“We are very proud and grateful to the students who organized and made this bistro. It will remind us all of our dad who left a big mark on Foča,” said Mašić’s daughter, Marija Kaličanin.

Behind the sculpture of Mićo Mašič, the school also features his portrait as well as portraits of four other distinguished professors of the institution, Dragica Ninković, Vojko Stanković, Vujadin Matović and Žarko Obrenović.

Mićo Mašić is a long-time professor of mathematics at the Secondary School in Foča and has devoted his working life to affirming young mathematicians. He was born in Orahovo near Foča on October 14, 1943, and passed away on June 23, 2006, in Foča.




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