Home News Free Kindergarten for Children Without Parental Care and With Developmental Disabilities

Free Kindergarten for Children Without Parental Care and With Developmental Disabilities


The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, Natalija Trivić, said that children without parental care and children with disabilities have been entitled to free preschool education in Srpska since September 1.

– A large number of these children were deprived of a stimulating and favorable environment for development and learning, which is why it was important to create legal preconditions to enable this vulnerable category of children to attend preschool education and, therefore, healthy growth and development – said Trivić.

Trivić mentioned that the Republic of Srpska will provide funds for the inclusion of these children in preschool institutions, having in mind that this is a right of general interest.

– Inclusion in this program will make it easier for children without parental care and children with disabilities to start compulsory schooling – Trivić pointed out.

She said that children without parental care and children with disabilities can enroll in a public or private preschool institution if the institution has space and staff capacity.

– After enrolling children, preschool institutions submit to the Ministry of Education and Culture the necessary documentation which is forwarded to the Child Protection Fund, from whose funds the recognized rights for each preschool institution will be paid compensation in the amount of financial participation of service users in the public preschool institution determined by the founder of the public preschool institution on the territory of the local self-government unit in which the child attends the preschool institution – Trivić explained.

She reminded that the Law on Amendments to the Law on Preschool Education defines that the Public Fund for Child Protection provides compensation for co-financing the stay in a preschool institution of children whose status of a child without parental care has been determined in accordance with regulations governing social protection.

– Compensation is also provided for children with disabilities who have the findings and opinion of the expert commission on the assessment of needs and guidance of children and youth with disabilities, formed in accordance with regulations governing social protection, aged six months to primary school. school, and who have a residence on the territory of the Republic of Srpska – stated Trivić and added that these measures are also supported by the Program of population measures.




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