Home Balkan German reporting on Croatian Public Service (HRT): Atmosphere resembling North Korea

German reporting on Croatian Public Service (HRT): Atmosphere resembling North Korea


German Deutsche Funk broadcast a report on Croatian state television, stating that HRT is “a scary example of what public service can turn into”.

The author of the report is German journalist Grit Eggerickx, who arrived in Croatia through an exchange of journalists program to deal with environmental issues, but soon noticed that the very way HRT works, including its censorship, represents an interesting topic, Index.hr reports.

“The official agenda of the Government is identical to that of the HRT editors-in-chief”, the report said, noting that the leading people on HRT have made their main goal not to anger the ruling elite from the HDZ ruling party.

The German journalist wonders why they have such an impact on Croatian public service as it is paid by the citizens, and points out that something like that is unthinkable in her country.

The situation is such that HDZ leaders do not have to intervene at all if they do not like reporting because editors do it on their behalf, while journalists can run into problems if they dare pose certain questions to the politicians.

The report also draws a distinction between SDP and HDZ regarding the management of HRT.

In the 1990s, this television was under strong censorship, only to become a public service broadcaster when the SDP came to power in 2000. While the HDZ wants to control everything on HRT, the SDP puts its people in key positions that do not destroy newsrooms and know how to do journalistic work.

Grit was additionally surprised by how much space the war in the former Yugoslavia gains on HRT, as well as the church manifestations.

“The Homeland War essentially determines the editing of the HRT program”, she said.

Promoting pro-Ustasha revisionism

The journalist finds it shocking that HRT has hosted Igor Vukic, who denies the massacres in Jasenovac in his book. She also mentions a documentary series on NDH, its author being a historian Hrvoje Klasic, which has not yet been aired or planned for broadcasting, although it is practically finished and ready for airing.

Grit tried to get a statement from HRT’s leading people, but failed to do so.

The report concludes with the statement that the atmosphere in HRT closely resembles the one in North Korea.


Source: b92


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