Home Culture Goran Vračar – “The seventh day”

Goran Vračar – “The seventh day”


Excerpt from the reviews:

„The Seventh Day” manuscript came from the pen of Goran Vračar, one of the most important poets of the middle generation in Republika Srpska. A reader  will, in his first reading find the poet and Vračar and the sorcerer. The poet of the surviving absurd in his pioneering novel balances well with the edges of prose lyricism, suggesting that at some point one of his heroes will, at least out of despair singe a stanza or two. But it will not happen, because the poets, when overtaken to test themselves in prose, firmly defend  their primary artistic urge. In vain, of course, because this novel is one poem, it’s an ode to hopelessness of human existence now and here and ever and everywhere …

Prof. Dr. Saša Knežević

“The Seventh Day” is the debut novel of the affirmed poet from East Sarajevo, Goran Vračar. A tremendous story about a man and a woman, about her and him, a story about incomprehension, misunderstanding, dissolution and starvation. This psychological novel is a harmonious triplet in the form of confessions of three people – narrators and main protagonists, spouses, Nenad and Jelena. The action follows the lives of spouses which are lost halfway. Left at the crossroads of life. Until then, a common life. Extremely forced life. Coexistence …

Anđela Plakalović, Professor of Serbian Language and Literature





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