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Harmonization Of Coordination System In Final Stage


BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Denis Zvizdic and Prime Ministers of Republika Srpska and FBiH, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Fadil Novalic, expressed yesterday in Sarajevo optimism about the finalization of the harmonization of the coordination system of European integrations process in BiH, which is one of the key requirements for speeding up BiH’s path towards the EU.
Cvijanovic has told reporters that the meeting’s topic was planned but the meeting itself was very eventful and that the final form of this complex system is already visible; the system should enable all levels of government to act in accordance with its constitutional powers, and to successfully manage the process of European commitments implementation.

“We can soon test such a new coordination mechanism as an very complex issue requiring numerous consultations. We have entered the final stage and now, our expert teams need to amend some technical details and conduct some simulations as early as Thursday and Friday, so we could be able to again exchange our views on Monday, “said Cvijanovic.

She has expressed optimism about the final establishment of a coordination mechanism in BiH, emphasizing that some things have to be checked and corrected in practice.

“What is important in the next few years when it comes to the challenge of completing the EU questionnaires is the challenge of preparation or training for specific positions that will exist later as a joint positions of all institutions, as well as other obligations under the programme of BiH’s integration into the EU” Cvijanovic said.

She has pointed out that no new institutions or administration will be created during this process, but different joint bodies are only being formed on the basis of the existing structures in order to enable greater mobility, better coordination and more efficient joint work in the European integrations process.

Sharing the optimism with PM Cvijanovic, BiH Council of Ministers Chairman Denis Zvizdic stated that further and concrete progress was made today in the harmonization of the coordination mechanism process.

Zvizdic has stressed that this is about very serious and demanding work that has been successfully completed, which has almost brought this process to the very end.

“We will finalize this process and harmonise coordination mechanism in the next meeting scheduled for the next week,” said Zvizdic.

FBiH PM Fadil Novalic is also optimistic, noting that the harmonization of the coordination mechanism is “really close to the end.”

“We would all like it has been done today, but this is indeed a complex and challenging process. However, there is one or two issues only left to be discussed for the final harmonization,” said Novalic.

Head of the EU Delegation to BiH Lars-Gunnar Wigemark congratulated Zvizdic, Cvijanovic and Novalic on the excellent job they worked together on.

“EU and myself are very interested in their success, because this is closely related to the functioning of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement. It is important for BiH to have efficient and transparent coordination mechanism which will involve all levels of government in line with its constitutional powers,” stressed Wigemark.

According to him, it is necessary to reach a consensus for everything in BiH, this case included.

“I’m encouraged by the willingness I have seen in all the stakeholders of this process,” concluded Wigemark.

This meeting was attended by the entity Finance Ministers, Zoran Talgetija and Jelka Milicevic, Minister of Finance and Treasury of BiH, Vjekoslav Bevanda, and Wigemark’s associates.

Source: Srna


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