The average net salary paid in December last year in the Republic of Srpska was KM 939 and was KM 22 higher than in November, according to the Federation of Trade Unions of Srpska.
The statement said that the highest average net salary in December of KM 1,431 was paid in the financial and insurance industries and was 1.20 percent higher than in November.
The lowest average net salary paid in December was in construction and it amounted to 647 KM, while in the activity of providing accommodation, preparation and serving of food, hotel and catering was 662 KM, and in the field of arts, entertainment and recreation 660 KM.
The union consumer basket for December was KM 1,911 and the average salary covered it with 49.13 percent.
The Union of Trade Unions said that overall consumer prices did not change in December compared to November.