How to safely use the Internet and social networks were the topics of a lecture given by police experts in this field to students of the Prijedor Secondary School of Agriculture and Food.
Students are warned about the dangers, but also familiar with how to protect and use social networks safely.
Nowadays, there is almost no high school student who does not have a profile on any of the social networks. Consequently, many of them face the risk of falling victim to some form of cyberbullying.
The students of the Prijedor School of Agriculture and Food are aware of the benefits and the dangers of using social networks.
The lecturers introduced the students to the most common negatives on social networks such as hacking, profile theft, various frauds and peer violence – how to identify them and how to react in that case, or whom to inform, in what way and within what deadline.
– The general rule is – what you do not want others to do to you on social networks, do not hope for them. The second rule is etiquette. So, what parents advise their children about general street etiquette, the same goes for social networks – says Aleksandar Miladinović from the Banja Luka Police Academy.
A lecture on this topic was also held for the students of the High School Center “Đuro Radmanović” and the “Petar Kočić” High School in Novi Grad.