Home Economy In 10 years political parties took 200 million KM from the budget

In 10 years political parties took 200 million KM from the budget


Data on the financing of political parties in B&H collected by the Central Election Commission is, to put it mildly, shocking, namely 200 million KM from the budget has been given to political parties in the last 10 years.

The ironic thing is that B&H is indebted to the IMF and citizens are fighting for survival. Recently, the Italian Parliament abolished the state financing of political parties, while in B&H the situation is reversed, with large amounts of money from the budget going to political parties.

A record amount of money was paid to parties in 2008, 23.6 million KM. In 2004, the amount was 13.1 million KM after which it once again increased reaching 19 million in 2006.

From 2004 until 2012, a total of 173.8 million KM was given to political parties. CEC expects this amount to increase to 200 million KM as of the 1st of April by which date parties must submit their financial statements for 2013.


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