The Government of the Republic of Srpska adopted today, at its 52nd session, in Banja Luka, the Information on the implementation of the Special Program for Subsidizing the Interest Rate on Housing Loans for Young and Young Married Couples in 2019.
The housing loan subsidy program for young and young married couples includes subsidizing housing loans obtained on more favorable terms and helping young people to solve the housing problem, as a priority issue in the continuation of their lives, establishing and developing a healthy family, as well as increasing birth rates and stay youth in Republika Srpska.
A special program for subsidizing the interest rate on housing loans for young and young married couples has been implemented since 2008, and the total number of subsidies granted since the beginning of this program, including the last competition announced, is 3848.
In 2019, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports launched two calls for proposals for the selection of beneficiaries of interest rate subsidies on housing loans for young and young married couples (450 applications approved in total).
For these purposes in 2019, according to the budget rebalance, funds in the amount of KM 1,610,000.00 were provided.
From 2008 until the end of 2019, about 11,500,000.00 KM will be spent on this program.