Security expert Dzevad Galijasevic says that the Head of the BiH Islamic Community, Husein Kavazovic, is conducting inflammatory political activities that are shameful for this religious community in BiH and that he continues behaving like an official of the SDA. Commenting on Kavazovic’s statement of last night that “there can be no reconciliation in BiH until the genocide in Srebrenica is recognised,” Galijasevic told SRNA that Kavazovic is not supposed to worry about how war criminals will be punished and how certain crimes will be qualified.
“He is not supposed to give insulting statements in the month of Ramadan and to behave like those terrorists in Istanbul and around Aleppo who are killing and conducting terrorist operations in the month of Ramadan,” Galijasevic said.
He said that instead of speaking of God and his messenger, Kavazovic is only speaking of politics.
“Kavazovic continues behaving like an official of the SDA and like someone who directly came from under the intelligence-operative seal of the American secret service in the Eagle base,” Galijasevic says.
He says that it is high time Kavazovic turned to his ethnic Slavic brothers and established cooperation with Serbs and Croats.
“Unfortunately, Kavazovic is bringing shame on our faith, pampering the American needs and giving statements which additionally destabilise the situation in BiH,” Galijasevic says.
According to him, Kavazovic is dealing with security, speaking of political and judicial subjects, and is “spreading a Nazi-like hatred towards Serbs and Croats.”
“The president of the Assembly of his Islamic Community, Hasan Cengic, is the greatest shame since he is linked to a terrorist camp in Pogorelica, trafficking in arms, to mujahideen and their war crimes,” Galijasevic said and added that Cengic is on the American blacklist.
The Head of the BiH Islamic Community, Husein Kavazovic, said on N1TV last night that “there can be no reconciliation in BiH until the genocide in Srebrenica is recognised.”
He commented on the decision to ban those who are denying genocide from attending a commemoration for Bosniaks killed in Srebrenica.
Source: Srna