Republika Srpska trains police officers to respond to growing threats of terrorism, organised crime and migration crisis, thus it will be better for SDA Deputy Leader Edin Ramić to turn to his party colleagues who form the authority in the Federation of BiH /FBiH/ and to exert his influence to improve security in that entity, said Srđan Mazalica, SNSD MP in the Srpska National Assembly.
He states that the FBiH is clearly sweeping problems of BiH under the rug, when it comes to terrorists, radical Islamist movements, migrants and an increasing number of citizens, who, as he says, are becoming a serious terrorist threat exported to other EU states.
“Srpska has nothing against the training of FBiH police officers. We would like their police to be more efficient, equipped and more ready to face challenges, for which there is no political will there to address,” Mazalica told SRNA, commenting on Ramić’s statement that the Federation of BiH should have at least two for every trained and ready police officer from Srpska.
Mazalica points out that Republika Srpska does not train police officers to compete with anyone in arms, and stresses that the SDA seems to be burdened with war and is thinking only in that direction.
“We are a party of peace, we want this to be a space of prosperity, growth and development, but the security issue is one of the most important. We need to be aware of the growing challenges and empower our police to keep our citizens safe,” Mazalica said.
Edin Ramić, a member of the Together for BiH Coalition in the Republika Srpska National Assembly, said Tuesday that the formation of the Gendarmerie in Srpska is an exit strategy for giving up the reserve police force, and that the Federation of BiH should have at least two for every trained and ready police officer from Srpska.
Source: Srna