Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Relations and Regional Cooperation, as the republic coordinator of the European integration process, and representatives of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Ministry of Trade and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Republic of Srpska Statistics Institute, Republic of Srpska Gender Equity and Equality Centre, Republic of Srpska Insurance Agency and Republic of Srpska Information Society Agency are taking part in the third meeting of the EU-BiH Stabilisation and Association Committee in Brussels.
This is the third successive meeting of this joint technical body between the EU and BiH, established to monitor implementation of obligations arising from the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the European Communities and their Member States, of the one part, and BiH, of the other part (SAA), which is taking place after completion of the second cycle of meetings of seven sectoral subcommittees and one special working group between the EU and BiH held during 2017 and in early 2018.
At the third Committee meeting, representatives of the European Union and representatives of all levels of government in BiH are considering progress achieved thus far by BiH in fulfilling the political and economic criteria of the EU accession process, EU financial assistance, and specific SAA implementation in the fields of: justice, freedom, security, trade, industry, customs and taxation, internal market and competition, innovation, social policy, public health and social policy, labour and employment, transport, energy, environment, agriculture and fisheries and regional development, particularly from the standpoint of priorities and recommendations provided at previous meetings of this body and sectoral subcommittees, and conducted EU expert missions in BiH.