The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation is actively implementing a range of innovative projects and programs aimed at fostering both social and environmental progress. These initiatives are part of a broader commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined in the 2030 Agenda, which prioritizes inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and improved governance.
Through strategic collaboration with the UN, bilateral development agencies, and local stakeholders, the Republic of Srpska is focusing on projects that address crucial issues such as social inclusion, environmental governance, and transparency in public administration. This collective effort is designed to ensure a prosperous future where no one is left behind, creating lasting positive change across various sectors of society.
The Srpska Times: Whether your ministry implements any innovative programs in the context of social development?
In the capacity of the Republic coordinator, the Ministry participates in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals Framework adopted in 2021, and in the Council for Sustainable Development Goals Implementation Monitoring in BiH (the Council), which is mandated for the overall coordination and monitoring of Agenda 2030 implementation in the country. The SDG Framework serves as the common development agenda in BiH, providing an overall vision for all government levels in the country, along with key development pathways and 2030 targets, which are to be mainstreamed in strategic documents at all government levels. The development pathways and corresponding accelerators and development drivers should contribute to a more prosperous society and a future where no one is left behind and where people, prosperity, peace, partnerships, and concern for the planet are at the heart of a better and shared future. Also in the capacity of the Republic coordinator, the Ministry participates in the Joint Steering Committee for monitoring and implementation of the 2021-2025 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) in BiH.
Some key projects implemented by the competent institutions within cooperation with the UN team and bilateral development agencies:
– Mapping of social assistance and support services in nine local self-government units (LGUs) Policies, incentives and affirmative measures for improving the position of women in the labour market in BiH;
– Municipal Environmental Governance (MEG II);
– Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD 2);
– Project for Improving Performance of Local Services;
– Regional programme: Integrated Waste Management and Marine Litter Prevention Programme in the Western Balkans (MLP) and Roadmap on improved management of single-use plastic products (SUPPs) in BiH;
– Global Development, Review and Update of National Implementation Plans under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants;
– Project activity: Synergy of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm Conventions and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM).
The Srpska Times: What are the key objectives of your ministry in terms of improving the quality of life for the citizens of the Republic of Srpska, and how do you plan to achieve them?
Further improvement of the quality of life for the citizens of the Republic of Srpska is planned through measures to be implemented within the Sustainable Development Strategy and projects implemented in cooperation with the UN team in BiH partners and bilateral development partners.
The Srpska Times: What strategies is the Ministry developing to enhance social inclusion and support diversity in the Republic of Srpska?
The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation does not have its own strategies for enhancing social inclusion and supporting diversity in the Republic of Srpska. Rather, the Ministry coordinates the work of all Republic of Srpska Government ministries on implementing international instruments aimed at enhancing social inclusion and supporting diversity in the Republic of Srpska. In addition to implementing international instruments in these fields, the Ministry participated in the Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey I and II project, i.e. in the Council of Europe and European Union sub-project on Diversity and Equality Promotion in BiH. Those projects harmonized the legislation more closely with Council of Europe standards and European Union acquis in the framework of the enlargement process, relating to setting the standards for combating discrimination and protecting the rights of vulnerable groups, freedom of expression, freedom of the media, and strengthening cooperation with civil society.
In the capacity of the Republic coordinator, the Ministry manages the Executive Team for the development of the 2024-2030 Republic of Srpska Sustainable Development Strategy, which is currently in the process of developing a Strategic Platform that will include the development of a situation analysis, strategic focusing or setting strategic directions, i.e. key directions of the strategy, defining the development vision and developing strategic goals with indicators. After the Strategic Platform development, a phase of public consultations is planned by organizing regional promotional events to allow all stakeholders to present their comments and observations.
The Srpska Times: How does your ministry collaborate with civil society and the private sector to achieve common goals and advance community well-being?
The right to access information that is in the possession of public authorities is the basis of public nature, transparency and work of public authorities and good and accountable governance. In addition to arising from numerous ratified international instruments such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and Freedoms, the Tromsø Convention, etc. this right has been transposed by the Law on Freedom of Access to Information.
The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation participates in the Council of Europe and Swedish Development Agency’s project on Enhancing Institutional Capacities on Freedom of Expression and Information in BiH (EFEx), whose goal is to enhance the knowledge and skills of all institution representatives in BiH, with a more specific improvement of the system of monitoring and reporting on human rights and strengthening domestic capacities for the protection and promotion of human rights in this field. Special focus is placed on the case law of the European Court of Human Rights Strasbourg on access to information implementing international instruments.
The Srpska Times: In what ways is your ministry working to enhance transparency, accountability, and good governance practices within the Republic of Srpska?
The Ministry of European Integration and International Cooperation, as well as other institutions of the Republic of Srpska Government, participates in the implementation of action plans for public administration reform in BiH, which implement measures and activities to improve accountability and transparency of public administration in accordance with SIGMA principles and best European practices.