The “National Internet Domain Registers of Serbia” (RNIDS) Foundation, in collaboration with the Tipometer Association, unveiled yesterday “Areal RNIDS” to the public – a new Cyrillic font of four fonts that can be used for Internet and print.
Font author, Professor of the Faculty of Applied Arts Olivera Stojadinović said that users will be able to download the Areal free of charge on the RNIDS and Tipometer sites.
“One of the obstacles to the use of Cyrillic on the Internet is the lack of adequate fonts that are easy to read on the screens of smart devices, especially mobile phones. Therefore, we will give the Serbian internet community a Cyrillic typographic letter that meets modern technological requirements and equally well. it looks both in print and on the web, “Stojadinović said.
As she explained, Areal RNIDS is a weak serif typeface available in the upright and cursive form in two weights.
“Particular attention has been paid to optimizing for onscreen display. The proportions, simple shapes and linear character make this letter extremely readable even on small screens,” said the professor.
Ana Prodanović, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in the Letter and Olivera Batajić Sretenović, Ph.D. Assistant Professor in the Book Graphics, have pointed out the problems encountered so far in the use of Cyrillic on computers due to the use of foreign fonts.
“Most Cyrillic fonts do not support Serbian Cyrillic, so Russian or Bulgarian letters appear. This often happens because the foreigners who work on them do not know our letter well enough, which is why it is very important that this is our project now,” said Prodanović.
They also pointed to the problem of locating Serbian Cyrillic letters, since they are mostly Russian forms in code places, and now all users will be able to write in Serbian cursive form easily.
“Since the law on textbooks digitization was enacted in 2018, it was very difficult to find adequate italics on Cyrillic, and many fonts were made solely for printing,” Sretenović explained.
Predrag Miličević said in his closing statement that this is the first letter that the RNIDS Foundation is giving, and it is planned to continue this practice on the occasion of the.SRB domain birthdays.
“The Cyrillic internet domain.SRB is our second national domain and, after the Russian.RF, it is the second internet domain in the world that can be registered in Cyrillic script, and its registration began on January 27, 2012,” Miličević recalled.