Home Domestic Affairs NUMBER OF POPULATION IN SRPSKA – 1,170,342



According to the census of population, households and dwellings in BiH, the number of population in Srpska is 1,170,342, show the data of the Republika Srpska Statistics Institute

Out of the total number of population, there are 598,530 women and 571,812 in Srpska, it was stated today in Banjaluka at the press conference of the representatives of the Institute that published the results of the census of population, households and dwellings in Srpska.

They have stated that, according to the census, there are six towns in Srpska and 57 municipalities. According to the national structure, more than 80 percent of total inhabitants in Srpska are Serbs.

Director of the Republika Srpska Statistics Institute, Radmila Cickovic, has recalled that the census in BiH was conducted in accordance with the Law on Census of Population, Housing and Dwellings, and that the Republika Srpska National Assembly adopted the Law on Publishing Census Results for Srpska.

The Census of Population, Housing and Dwellings in BiH was conducted between 1 and 15 October 2013. Srpska rejected census results released by the BiH Statistics Agency, because they are not reliable.


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