The winter tourist season on mountain Jahorina will be officially opened today.
The director of the Olympic Center “Jahorina”, Dejan Ljevnaić, pointed out that the Olympic Center is ready to welcome the winter tourist season, with discounts of 50 percent.
Ljevnaić points out that, thanks to the snowfall, the favorable temperature, and most of all the snowmaking system, Jahorina is again the first in the region and Europe to be ready to welcome fans of snow activities.
He reminded that the ski resort was officially put into operation on Sunday, November 29, with enriched facilities and capacities.
– The snowmaking system is in operation. For now, skiers have at their disposal the Poljice trail and the Poljice anchor lift. The six-seater Poljica is also in operation, but for a panoramic drive to the Olympic Bar with expanded capacity and a new menu on offer – said Ljevnaić.
According to him, during the summer, the Olympic Center prepared the trails with special machinery, drained the canal, filled the lake at the top, and thus enabled skiing to begin.
– Our employees were on duty 24 hours a day, waiting for a suitable temperature and putting the snowmaking system into operation – stated Ljevnaić.
He added that the complete “Poljice” trails have been illuminated, which can also be used for night skiing from 6 pm to 9 pm.
Ljevnaić points out that physical distance will be respected, cable cars and gondolas will be disinfected, and there will be three disinfection points and a testing laboratory.
The gondola cabin accommodates 10 people, and the Olympic Center is now limited to four.
Ljevnaić mentioned that the ski pass is bought through the web store of the Olympic Center, that the number of points of sale on Jahorina has doubled if skiers decide to buy on the spot, and that they have given a “corona guarantee” to skier comes to the mountain or book, he or she can replace the ski pass or refund in the event of a virus.
– We have noticed the great interest of tourists from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, which is so far 25 percent more than in the previous season. The reason for that is for sure that we have kept the business policy and the best ratio of quality and price – Ljevnaić pointed out and added that they expect a good season.
The Olympic Center “Jahorina” appeals that skiers and visitors during their stay on this mountain adhere to the necessary epidemiological measures, to be responsible towards themselves and others.