The Serb member of the BiH Presidency Milorad Dodik expects that the Republika Srpska National Assembly, at the upcoming session, will confirm the policy of defending the Srpska interests in terms of preventing outvoting, especially on issues important for the status of Republika Srpska in accordance with the Constitution.
Dodik has pointed out that the three issues, to which the request for protection of vital interests refers, are exclusively interference on the rights of the Republika Srpska.
“These three issues interfere on our rights with which we have constitutional competence over education. This decision made by the other two members of the Presidency seeks to form a certain structure at the BiH level that would conduct research beyond the Republika Srpska. This is unacceptable, because the Republika Srpska, the entities have responsibilities over education”, Dodik told Radio Republika Srpska.
Commenting on the Memorandum between the Ministry of Security in the Council of Ministers and the American Ministry of Internal Security on cooperation regarding the use of travel information, Dodik has pointed out that it is not in accordance with the Constitution.
“The Republika Srpska Ministry of Internal Affairs has the authority to monitor foreigners, movements, but it also has local competence, and in that respect it was right to initiate a vital entity interest and that the Srpska Parliament to declare itself about that”, Dodik said.
According to him, the Republika Srpska National Assembly is the place of decision, in such cases.
“If the Republika Srpska National Assembly accepts my request and rejects the decision of the other two members of the Presidency, the decision has not been made, is not valid and can no longer be put on the agenda of the Presidency”, Dodik has reminded.
Dodik says it is important, for that reason, that Srpska acts unique in such situations in the Parliament and to support the initiated initiative of the Serb member of the Presidency whenever he does that, regardless of who he is.
The protection of vital interests refers to the statement on the proclamation of the Decision on approving the conclusion of the Memorandum between the Ministry of Security of BiH and the American Ministry of Internal Security on cooperation in connection with the use of travel information.
The request was also sent due to the statement on the Decision on approving the conclusion of the Agreement on BiH’s participation in the Program for International Student Assessment in the next year, as well as the Agreement on BiH’s accession to the International Reading Literacy Study.
Source: SRNA