Prime minister Željka Cvijanović announced that pensioners in the Republic of Srpska can expect higher pension fee in October this year
After meeting with representatives of Association of pensioners in the Republic of Srpska, and members of Board for monitoring condition in the area of pension and disability insurance, prime minister Cvijanović declared that The Government of the Republic of Srpska will work harder to make sure that trend of raising up pension fees continue in the next few years and she hopes that this trend will continue in the 2018.
Executive of Republic Fond for pensions and disability insuarnce of the Republick of Srpska, Mladen Milić told that the pensions will be raised for 3% in this and 2% in next year.
Prime minister Cvijanović also told that in the past three year Srpska provided higher pensions for 11,3%.
At the meeting in the Government cabinet, prime minister talked with representatives about new projects that are coming up and told how Government will be taking more action in the future period with aitm to provide better quality of life for pensioners in the Srpska
At the meeting that was held in the Government cabinet, prime minister Cvijanović also talked about acitivites that Government of Srpska will activate in the future period with the aim of helping pensioners.