Home Economy Positive growth rate of 2 percent in first quarter

Positive growth rate of 2 percent in first quarter


In the first quarter of the current year, gross domestic product /GDP/ in Republika Srpska, reported in current prices, amounted to approximately BAM 2.53 billion and had a positive growth rate of two percent compared to the same period last year, show the data of the Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics.

Gross value added in the first quarter amounted to approximately BAM 2.05 billion, while the value of the tax on products minus subsidies on products was BAM 480.609.

In the first quarter of this year, gross value added rose by 8.8% in real terms in trade, transport, storage and accommodation, food preparation, hospitality and catering industries.

Gross value added increased by 4.1 percent in the fields of information and communications, and by 3.8 percent in financial and insurance-related businesses.

In the first quarter of this year, gross value added in the processing industry was lower by 7.1 percent.


Source: srna


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