Home News Prime Minister Cvijanovic attended the session of the Collegiate Body for European...

Prime Minister Cvijanovic attended the session of the Collegiate Body for European Integration

Сарајево - Цвијановић - конференција за новинаре 2

​Prime Minister of the Republic of Srpska Zeljka Cvijanovic attended yesterday the session of the Collegiate Body for European Integration.

After the session, Prime Minister Cvijanovic stated that it was a constructive meeting which yielded results and that out of 3,242 questions from the Questionnaire of the European Commission the number of open questions has been reduced to seven.

“Out of 3.242 questions in total, the number of open ones went down to seven which we discussed today and we believe that this number would be much smaller once we get explanations from the BiH Presidency”, Prime Minister said and added that some questions pertaining cantons in Federation of BiH have been solved as well as some that referred to the Republic of Srpska and certain ministries in the Council of Ministers of BiH.  

“The questions that have remained require assistance and engagement of other institutions so that we could finally come up with the harmonized position. I do not expect any major obstacles”, the Prime Minister said.  

The Prime Minister pointed out that it was very important that the process of preparing answers to the European Commission Questionnaire was going well expressing regret that it did not happen much earlier.  

“The work on this Questionnaire is huge work which requires interaction of institutions at various level of governance but I am very glad to see that this body works as foreseen within the system of coordination and produces results”, Prime Minister Cvijanovic explained. 



Source: vladars





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