The Republic of Srpska government is determined to restore order in the Republic of Srpska’s public sector, and in this regard it has planned to begin activities on reform of public enterprises in the Republic of Srpska this year, which will entail certain painful but very necessary cuts.
Namely, as stated in the Economic Reform Program of the Republic of Srpska for the period from 2020 to 2022, all public companies in the Republic of Srpska should, this year, adopt their reorganization plans, with a clearly defined reduction in the number of employees, a way of reducing liabilities and a clearly defined income that will be provided through domestic business based on corporate principles.
As stated in this document, in conjunction with the International Monetary Fund’s technical mission, an independent audit of the operations of public enterprises will be carried out as early as 2020 and a clear set of steps in the reform of public enterprises will be defined thereafter, with the aim of increasing transparency and accountability. in their work.
The Republic of Srpska government, which drafted this document, said that reform of public companies, in addition to reform of the health system, is the most important task.
“The reform of public enterprises could be viewed through three segments: public ones burdening or seeking additional funds from the Republic of Srpska budget, public utility companies owned by local self-government units that need urgent reform, and strategic public enterprises expected to be extremely profitable and be one of the sources of revenue of the Republic of Srpska budget, the reform of which must be carefully implemented with a view to more efficient and productive business, all with a view to generating significant profits, “stated the Economic Reform Program of the Republic of Srpska for the period 2020-2022. adopted by the RS National Assembly. According to them, the intention of the Government of the Republic of Srpska is to put public companies fully into the function of the development of the economy and society as a whole.
“Therefore, health system reform and public enterprise reform are two key reform areas of the Republic of Srpska Government in the coming period, as defined through Joint Socio-Economic Reforms for the period 2019-2022,” the document reads.