Home Economy RS Government adopts decision on pension increase

RS Government adopts decision on pension increase


The Republika Srpska Government adopted a Decision on the Extraordinary Adjustment of the General Calculation Point and Pension during Monday’s 26th extraordinary session, in Banja Luka.

The general calculation point will be harmonized from June 1, 2018, by increasing the calculation point by 2.5 percent.

Pensions realized by May 31, 2018, will be harmonized starting from June 1, 2018 thus increasing by 2.5 percent.

The RS Government said it will need around BAM 1,560,000 (around EUR 750,000) per month, which is around BAM 10,920,000 (EUR 5.5 million) by the end of 2018 for the implementation of this decision.

The RS Government also passed a Decision on the determination of the amount of the lowest pension in the RS.

(EUR 1 = BAM 1.95583)




Source: N1


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