The Development Strategy of the municipality of Samac provides for economic development by the year 2016, the goal is to support entrepreneurship in order to create jobs.
Head of the municipal Department of Economics, Milan Simic, said that a portion of funds has been invested into the renovation of buildings in the Development and Entrepreneurial Zone which is located on the outskirts of city and that two companies have already moved in.
Within the strategy about 1.6 million EUR will go towards the construction of the water supply, according to Simic, half of the money will come from credit debt and the other half from IPA funds.
During a meeting between the Development Team of Samac and UN’s Development Agency it was agreed that the social, economic and environmental fields are key to this strategy.
Participants of the meeting believe that success can be reached in each of these areas, but that it depends on the amount of money that is allocated from the local and state governments, as well as from funds.