The fact that EUR 330 million in urgent aid from the International Monetary Fund /IMF/ has been on a bank account for almost a month says that it seems like there was no coronavirus in BiH but only those incurably infected with the virus of mistrust, Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Nikola Špirić said.
“Obviously, international aid is not helping us as we are ‘eating ourselves.’ It is unheard of that some international financial institution approves a loan through an urgent aid program for health care and that the money sits in a bank account unused. And it will cost us additionally for sitting there,” Špirić told Srna.
He has added that mistrust and unsettled relations in the Federation of BiH resulted in damage to development processes and budget of Republika Srpska.
“Compromise reached by entity governments on the distribution of VAT funds and profits of the “Elektroprenos BiH” /Transco/ is a good signpost on how to move on, but clean accounts and trust are the best allies for peace at home,” Špirić concluded.
Source: SRNA