“Despite all the school obligations and preparations for competitions, I always had time to spend with friends. I was fortunate to be in a class with exceptionally good people, and I made many friendships. I will remember high school primarily for that and for the many teachers who helped me expand my knowledge,” says Stefan Milojević, Student of the Year at “Mihajlo Pupin” Secondary School Center.
In his free time, Stefan enjoys reading non-fiction books, listening to rock and jazz music, and never misses basketball games, alongside working on his small programming projects.
“I chose the computer science track at the gymnasium to see if I truly enjoyed programming. Thanks to both the school and my independent work, I’ve concluded that I do. I can say that this field has met my expectations. It is constantly evolving with new technologies, and although the competition is tough, I believe I can succeed with a lot of effort,” says the ambitious young man from Derventa.
The prestigious title of Student of the Year is a great honor for him.
“This can only be achieved through consistent effort and hard work. No matter how talented you are, you can’t achieve anything without effort. Another crucial aspect of achieving success is time management,” reveals Stefan’s formula for success.
This versatile young man has participated in numerous competitions since elementary school, primarily in mathematics, but also in chemistry, physics, and computer science. He proudly holds first places in last year’s regional competitions in mathematics and physics.
“I will continue my education in Novi Sad, at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Since I established my love for computer science in high school, my main goal is to study software engineering. The competition is tough, and it will be challenging to get into that program, but with my previous effort, I believe I will succeed,” emphasizes Stefan.
PHOTO: Derventa cafe
Source: Derventa Cafe