Home Republic of Srpska Students of the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka practice at RUGIPP

Students of the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka practice at RUGIPP


The agreement on cooperation that enables practical training for students of economics in the Republic Administration for Geodetic and Property Law (RUGIPP) was signed today by the director of that administration Bosiljka Predragović and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics in Banja Luka Stanko Stanic.

The agreement stipulates that practical training will be provided for students of all study cycles of the Faculty of Economics.

Predragovic said after signing the agreement that this document continues the good practice with the faculty for the second time in a row with the faculties promoting the staff needed by the Administration.

– The agreement stipulates that final year students and graduates will practice at RUGIPP, as well as the cooperation of scientific and professional staff – said Predragovic.

She emphasized that students of economics are interested in the economic and financial sector of RUGIPP, given that they have the opportunity to see how independent administration performs jobs in that sector.

– Three years ago, we introduced the real estate price register as a public register and this is the basis for starting a pilot project of mass valuation of real estate as the best and most equitable – Predragovic said.

Stanic points out that students will greatly benefit from the professional practice at RUGIPP because they will perfect everything they learn theoretically in college.

– The RUGIPP management will surely recognize students who are ready for innovation in business, and recommend them as good staff for employment in that administration – said Stanic.

He added that the document stipulates that professors and assistants of the Faculty of Economics cooperate with RUGIPP as expert consultants, as well as organize expert meetings together. Stanic emphasized that the Faculty of Economics is celebrating 45 years of work next year, and that he will organize an international conference on “Development Strategy of Republika Srpska in Contemporary Conditions” in the spring, and that they will be supported by the RUGIPP.




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