Tag: Australia
Demila Gabriel: “My family is my biggest success!”
Demila Gabriel is honorary consul for BiH in Australia. She was born in very wealthy family in Bosanska Dubica where she started her education...
B&H an exciting tourist destination
B&H has once again found itself on the list of tourist destinations worth visiting, this time Economic Times in an article on the modern...
B&H 101st according to the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom
Bosnia and Herzegovina is ranked 101st out of a 184 countries in the world according to the 2014 Index of Economic Freedom which is...
Airbus Novak Djokovic lands in Banja Luka!
Air Serbia's first airplane, named after Serbia's no. 1 tennis player Novak Djokovic, landed in Banja Luka today and marked the establishment of a...