Home Economy The average salary in October is 932 KM

The average salary in October is 932 KM


In October, the average monthly paid off net salary in BiH amounted to KM 932 and was nominally higher by 4.2 percent compared to the same month last year, and by 2.9 percent higher than in December last year.

The lowest average net salary in October was in the provision of accommodation, food preparation and services and amounted to 590 KM, in administrative and support service activities it was 639 KM, while the average net salary in construction was 643 KM, the Agency for Statistics announced Should.

In financial and insurance activities, the average net salary in the tenth month was KM 1,518, in the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning KM 1,462, while the average net salary in information and communications was KM 1,369.

In BiH, the average monthly gross salary in October amounted to KM 1,440 and was nominally higher by 4.4 percent compared to the same month last year, and higher by three percent compared to December last year.


Source: RTRS


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